BMI( Body Mass Index ) is a value used to assess a person’s weight compared to their height to see if that person has an appropriate weight. The BMI calculation is calculated from the formula:
BMI = body weight (kg) / height (meters) squared, which is a basic assessment method only. It does not clearly reflect the amount of fat in the body.

Is the BMI calculation different for men and women?
The BMI calculation for women and men uses the same formula and there is no difference in the calculation. Although the ยูฟ่าเบท formula is the same. The interpretation of BMI may differ because men and women have different body compositions such as muscle mass and body fat.
For example
- Men with a high BMI may have more muscle mass and appear overweight. But may not actually have much excess fat.
- Women with a low BMI may have a higher body fat percentage than men with the same BMI.
Therefore, using BMI as a tool to measure health alone may not cover all dimensions of health for each gender. It should be considered together with other factors.
Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation table
BMI value | Within the criteria |
Less than 18.50 | Underweight/Skinny |
Between 18.50 – 22.90 | Normal (healthy) weight |
Between 23 – 24.90 | Chubby / Starting to get fat |
Between 25 – 29.90 | fat |
30.0 and up | Very fat |
Although BMI is a rough measure of health, it does not reflect body composition, such as fat and muscle mass. Calculating BMI is useful in many ways, especially for making a preliminary assessment of weight status and health risks, as follows:
Benefits of BMI calculation
- Assess your weight status. BMI is a simple indicator that helps us know if we are underweight, normal, overweight or obese.
- Measure your risk of various diseases. A high BMI (over 25) may mean you are at risk of developing the following diseases.
- Used as a guideline for weight management, BMI can be a tracking tool when we are trying to lose or gain weight, so we know if we are getting close to our goals.
- Convenient and easy: BMI calculation does not require complicated tools. Just use your weight and height to make a quick assessment.
In summary, BMI is a useful tool for assessing body weight initially, but it should be used in conjunction with other health assessment methods to obtain a more complete picture.